

Farm for Finest Flavours

Partnerships with farmers, food service, and retail convinced by the Full Spectrum Farming Technique

More about the
4-Leafed Concept

The valuation of vegetables nowadays is based on paying per kilo. The more kilos the more revenues. But kilos of what? Water and cellulose? There is no incentive for farmers to produce real nutritious food that contains the full spectrum of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. It is just cost-increasing. Urban Ponics has proven that NACAR plant nutrition increases the nutritious content enormously but is facing commercial issues because all these extra vitamins and antioxidants cannot be expressed in kilos. 

This paradigm does not convince farmers to purchase NACAR plant nutrition because it is considered to be an additional cost that does not directly generate more kilos. In a 5 years period of testing, Urban Ponics has shown to produce REAL nutritious food with the Full Spectrum Farming method.

Laboratory analyses show increase of Minerals, Carotenoids and Vitamins and provide the necessary backup of this statement. Tastings in retail outlets in the Netherlands, Food service in 2019 and 2020 have convinced retail, food service and the end consumers about the quality of the products.

Beyond Organic

95+ Minerals and Trace Elements

Stronger Inmune System

Air Roots

No Pesticides!

What are the benefits of 4-Leafed


of 30% in addition the highest price of comparable Organic products.

LOCAL 4 LOCAL Production

Saving Food Miles with short production and logistical chains


Replaces the current way of ascribing value to vegetables


With over-active buyers that go for the lowest bid.

GLOBAL GAP Certification

Accreditation for 50+ Fresh and healthy Products


with complete access to our network 


Replaces the current way of ascribing value to vegetables


with complete access to our network 

What's in it for the farmer?

Urban Ponics promotes partnerships with farmers, retail and foodservice that are convinced about the Full Spectrum Farming philosophy. The focus will be back on the production of a complete range of quality products with the highest nutritional value and best taste. 

Key to success is the use of NACAR C. A natural plant nutrition and enhancer of the metabolism of the plants. NACAR makes it possible for the plants to defend themselves against plague and pathogens. They produce their own vitamins and antioxidants to protect them. When we eat the plants we also benefit of this.

It is not mandatory, though recommended for the farmers to implement the Urban Ponics growing systems in their existing greenhouses and change from monoculture to produce a complete range of different products.

How Do You Recognise A Healthy Plant?

Just taste and smell it! The taste and aroma are the best indicators to determine whether a plant is healthy or not. No taste means NO nutrition! No more crunchy water (Lettuce) nor waterbombs (tomatoes)

The taste and aroma of the products from the Urban Ponics growers are overwhelming and dominant.

What is the added value?

The UNIQUE aspect of 4-Leafed is that it will be possible to grow tomatoes, leafy greens, strawberries, peppers, raspberries, potatoes etcetera under 1 roof, in 1 interconnected system, with 1 general nutritional formula and with 1 general pH/EC for all the crops!

We are looking for visionary partners that want to implement this model. People are ready for the nutrients bombs not the water bombs!