Plants, animals and humans are often embodied. Sometimes we forget that water in itself has also a body we all should respect. Lakes, rivers and oceans are just three examples of this nature.
Plastic is one of the main pollutants of waterbodies and many initiatives tackle this issue altogether, but we forget that contamination is much worse than just plastic pollution.
Waterbodies can perish as well, due to overload of city sewage, industrial discharges and artificial fertilizers. Lakes, rivers and oceans become sick and become toxic for plants, animals and humans.
The Soil Maker turns kitchen waste into valuable composted soil. It is a natural process where enzymes and activated microorganisms degrade the food waste in a period of approximately 2 weeks. 300 Kilos of waste per day will turn into 150 kilos of soil. The soil has a commercial value and can be used in the greenhouses to grow little plantlets and seedlings. Other capacities are 100 and 200 kilos per day.
The machine does not require additional (electrical) heat because the activity of microorganisms provides the energy for degradation. The Soil Makers operates full continuedly and is easy to maintain and operate.